WaterCAD 2024 Help

Schema Augmentation

The Schema Augmentation dialog box opens if the WaterCAD 2024 file does not contain the Darwin Designer schema.

A schema is the series of tables and table cells that contain your data. A schema change typically means a table or table cells have been added, usually by an update to the software.

When you use Schema Augmentation, WaterCAD 2024 adds any missing tables to the schema of the file you are using. Updating a schema should not damage your data but we do recommend you create a backup. Select the Create backup: *.bak check box to create a backup of your existing database. It will be saved in its current directory but will have .BAK appended to the filename.

To restore the backup, delete or move your current .sqlite file and then rename your backup file by deleting the .BAK extension, so the extension becomes only .sqlite.